Press release: Düsseldorf Congress awarded for its sustainable event operations

CCD Congress Center Düsseldorf receives the international Green Globe Certificate for the fourth consecutive time now. In 2010 it was among the first international convention centres recognised for its sustainability.
“The demand for green meetings, incentives, conventions and events is rising on a global scale, However, we aspire to not only hold individual projects but all events at our premises in accordance with the Green-Globe Standards. Sustainability is mandatory rather than optional for us. The repeated re-certification shows that we are on the right track with our sustainability strategy,” says Maria Kofidou, CEO of Düsseldorf Congress GmbH.
Environment-conscious energy supply and resource-saving operation
For the Certification the CCD was audited according to ecological, social and efficiency criteria – including resource-saving working methods, sustainable energy concepts and reduction of climate-damaging emissions.
Energy and climate protection themes play a prominent role in Düsseldorf Congress’ sustainability management. It includes energy-optimised lighting concepts and efficient air-conditioning, to name but two aspects. With a view to reducing its own emissions, Düsseldorf Congress largely uses e-vehicles in its own fleet. The CO2 emissions of all company cars are compensated for every year via the climate protection organisation “atmosfair”. Consumables are sourced by the company from a regional partner in order to reduce heavy vehicle traffic on the motorways while promoting regional business. Together with its partners Düsseldorf Congress primarily looks to waste avoidance, for instance with the help of reusable systems (for floor coverings, crockery and packaging) but also to saving paper (by means of digital brochures and a paperless invoicing workflow). There are recyclables containers available for the responsible discharge and reclamation of waste materials.
An on-going optimisation process
As early as 2010, 2012 and 2015 CCD Congress Center Düsseldorf was already awarded with the Green Globe Certificate and has succeeded in improving its results year on year since.
This year’s certification audit trail saw CCD Congress Center Düsseldorf fulfil 98% of the criteria for the Green Globe Certification – this means 292 indicators out of 299. Compared to the award obtained in 2015 (88%) the Congress Center therefore managed to optimise its sustainable operations even further.
A dedicated Green Team drives sustainability in the company
“As we became a member and the audits started a Green Team was established comprising colleagues from all divisions of the company so that the sustainability theme is represented and can be driven throughout the entire company,” says Markus Demuth, Director Quality Management of Düsseldorf Congress GmbH.
Objectives for 2021 and following years
“In view of the status of the current pandemic the objective for 2021 can only be to normalise event operations responsibly with a view to providing our customers a continued, professional platform for knowledge transfer in many sectors of industry.
It is not sufficient for the individual event to be sustainable, but the organiser himself as well as all service providers and partners – from agencies through hotels to caterers – have to work sustainably. One objective therefore is to raise more awareness among service providers and customers with an action guideline making them bear their share of responsibility.” – Maria Kofidou, CEO, Düsseldorf Congress GmbH
About Green Globe
The “Green Globe Certification” audits tourist facilities for their environmental consciousness worldwide. In cooperation with the European Association of Event Centres (EVVC) “Green Globe” has developed a certification scheme for venues. Here independent auditors assess the sustainability management of the facilities based on verifiable criteria of relevance to practice. Only the venues complying with at least 50% of the existing criteria, will receive the certification.